St Marys CE Primary Schools' Parents Staff Association (PSA).

A warm welcome to St Mary’s Parent Staff Association (PSA) where you can find out more about the PSA and the fundraising events we run throughout the year.

You don’t need to make a big commitment to be part of the PSA, and there are many ways to get involved, whether you’re a stay at home mum with very little time to spare, or a working parent who rarely makes the school gates. Some get involved throughout the year, some for a single event. You don’t need specific skills, and it's a great way to learn new ones in a supportive environment where there’s always someone to ask. Even if the PSA isn’t for you right now, you can still make a much-valued contribution by coming along to the events and supporting the fundraising.

Why not come along to a PSA event and learn more? Everyone is welcome at the committee meetings whether actively involved with the PSA or not.
Speak to your Class Rep or email us at

PSA Chair:  Melanie Shirazi