All bout the Bees
Capricorn Mohair Socks
Carroll's Heritage Potatoes
Castle's Keepsakes
Cheviot Ceramics
Craft Elaine
Craft Sensations
Creations for Occasions
Future Apparel
Green Brae
Hobby Hut Lady
Jane Harbottle Wildlife Artist
Kitty’s Homemade Ginger Wine
Knightingale Crafts
Lynne Harrison Creations
Made by Annie B
My Bees- Raw Honey
Neil's Driftwood Designs
Northumbrian Pantry
Pretty Prints
Pure Island Gifts
Purple Ribbon Company
Rachel Tweddell Art
Ridiculously Rich Northumberland
Sloe Crafts
Sprout and Gherkin
The Cracker Nut
The Fruit Kitchen
The Hare in Winter
The Mad Jam Woman
The Wrong Alice Collection
Todburn Soaps
UniquEco Designs