Auction Guide


Click anywhere on the item in order to open up the images and the lot description. You many need to scroll down to view all the details about the lot. Click the "X" at the top of the image to get back to the auction home page.


To place a bid click on the item, enter your bid and click on "Bid Now". If you are not already signed in you will be prompted to register (with your email, phone number and password) or to sign in, if you already have a jumblebee account. These details are requested so that you can be contacted if you are the winning bidder and will never be passed to a 3rd Party.

Once you have signed in you will be asked to confirm your bid - at this point you can uncheck "Show my name" if you would prefer to remain anonymous for that bid. You can also opt in to receive a text alert. If your bid is successful you will see a "highest bidder" message on the screen and you will receive a confirmation email and text. If your bid has been successful but you are outbid later you will receive an email and text informing you, with a link to bid again.

Highest bidders will be informed by email shortly after the close of the online auction with a link to pay. Once you have paid you will receive a voucher which will contain the details of the item you have won plus the contact details of the donor.

01285 821 594