Holiday Properties

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Do you have a holiday property to let? Where better to advertise than amongst members of your community, or members of similar communities within your area, or nationally? Advertise your property on jumblebee and the fee you pay goes straight into your community fund or good cause.

If you’re a school parent looking to advertise to other parents within the same school, or a member of a sports club looking to advertise to other members, then jumblebee is your solution! Not only do you reach your target, but you also donate to the cause as well.

It’s simple to set up your ad. Just make sure you have some photos and a description ready and then do the following:

  • Go to the holiday tab on your community’s home page
  • Click on Post a Property and follow the simple step by step instructions
  • Then Confirm and post your ad immediately!

And another thought – if you don’t have a holiday property, but you have a business that you would love to advertise to other members of your community, then the same applies. Create a business ad using the simple template jumblebee provides and post immediately. Once more your fee is donated straight to the cause for which you are raising funds. Another way to add value to yourself and to others!